Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is it the shoes?

Is it the shoes? This is spike lee's famous line from Air Jordan commercials cicra the early 90's. But in today's day and age there is a select group of people growing by the day that call them selfs "Sneaker Heads". Some people maybe be thinking what exactly is that? The concepts stems from the birth of hiphop in NYC with people wearing all color addidas with fat laces and a kango to match. They began amassing massive collections of sneakers and it became sort a addction which somewhat led to the invention of this word. But like all great things, being a sneaker head has changed. Its no longer only about owning the same shoes in every color. It now has become a quest of sorts. To get that shoe you just need to have. In that rare color that only came out in this one store. A true sneaker head doesn't want the shoe he can get at the local mall. He wants the shoe that only he will have, and some of these shoes are fecthing prices of upwards of 150 dollars on release with resale prices sky rocketting only minutes after release. Many are even willing to deal with rain, sleet, hail or snow. Nothing can hold some back from that one last shoe that will complete their collection. Take for example the fabled "Tiffany SB's". Sneaker heads where lined up outside of skateshops for days in anticipations of the release of the shoe. It retailed with a msrp of $65 dollars. Minutes after people had their hands on them they were going to $1,000 dollars. This case is not rare either. This is a all too common now in miami and in every densely populated urban city. Sneaker heads like to stand out from the norm with bright colors that catch your attencion and a outfit to match in a style that only a fellow sneaker head can truly appriciate. To get some of these rare shoes many kids are skipping school to go buy, just in hopes to be the only one at school or the mall with them. The demand for these shoes has become so great it had popped up into pop culture with celebritys and has even created a $9 billion dollar a year industry for counterfit shoes. Websites are appering all over the internet offering priceless and limted edition shoes for next to nothing. But many consumers are being fooled out of their money being made to believe the shoes infact are authentic. I can guarrentee that some of the people reading this article own fake shoes and may not even know it due to lack of knowledge. The culture of sneaker heads has gotten so much attencion there is now events for sneaker heads to gather kind of like the old nerdy comic book conventions, there is also clothing brands, and stores dedicated and tailoring to sneaker heads. To many the addiction for the shoes is a million times worse the then addcition of a drug addict to his drug of choice. So just remember in the words of the great Chuck D of Public Enemy (the group Flavor Flav was in) "It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back."